
Jadite Fever!

One of my goals for the summer was to begin my official jadite collection. Low and behold on this last day of August, it looks like my little collection is shaping up pretty nicely.

While all jadite is super pretty, I decided to make it easier for myself and just focus on the Fire King line ( they coined Jade-ite --trust me it is so difficult trying to find it when there are about a kajillion ways to spell the stuff!) 

 Although I have aquired a few older pieces by Anchor Hocking, ( They produced Fire King) and my mom gave me my grandmother's citrus reamer which after some research found out it is by Jeannette.( I'm missing the cup to go underneath) 

I was also a nerd and purchased Jadite-An Identification & Price Guide by Keller & Ross. 

It has been really fun searching antique barns and stores, however the stuff is NOT CHEAP. It's like every flea market or vintage store KNOW the value of the stuff so the prices are quite high.  I am waiting for the day I find a jewel in the rough ( I would LOVE a Fire King Ball jug) or maybe one day I will come across a little old lady selling her grill plates for $5 a piece (instead of  $30-50 a piece).

My Collection consists of:

-Three 9 1/8" Jane Ray dinner plates
-Two Jane Ray saucers
-Two Alice saucers
-Four Jane Ray cups
-One 7" Swirl Mixing bowl
-One 4 7/8" Beaded Edge mixing Bowl
-One Jeanette Citrus Reamer top


  1. Ohh, these are truly amazing! I am so so so in love with the jade colour! <3

    Lost in the Haze: a Fashion Photography Blog

  2. Thank you so much!! The color makes it easy to spot in a packed antique shop:)

  3. green is one of my favorite colors, and these are quite lovely :) what a great collection! x

  4. I love the color! I also love that they're semi translucent. So pretty.

    1. Thank you!! Every new piece I find seems to be a little lighter/darker than the next. It all depends how the previous owner cared for it. The less light the better as it means there is less wear!
